A chance meeting in early 2018, led to my joining Lingo.University as its COO. The company had been founded 2 years earlier but the then vague notion of an online English school had failed to get off the starting blocks.
After procuring the right company to develop the website, I set to laying out the UX and UI for Lingo.University. Having a design background and draughtsmanship aided me in conveying my ideas to the programmers. And so, from 6 sketches for the main pages, LU started to take shape.
My vision for LU was to deliver quality online classes through a website with intuitive design that was easy to use - child’s play even! The complexities of making LU a reality drew on the full range of my skill set, being responsible for:
- Developing the UI and UX for LU and designing user flowcharts.
- Creating the look and identity of the platform, from the layout, text, colour palette and fonts to the look and feel of the classes given by the remote teachers.
- Creating Luna, Alice and Mars: the 3 characters that accompany students throughout their journey with LU - and bringing them to live using Adobe Character Animation.
- Procuring - free of charge - the rights to use, what has become, the theme tune of LU from one of my favourite modern composers: Helen-Jane Long.
- Finding the right digital materials from Cambridge University Press and developing a working relationship.
- Working with indeed UK to procure teachers for online classes.
- Helping and guiding the teachers to deliver quality classes using our platform.
- Developing separate courses to fit the 3 possible plans: 1,2, or 3 days per week.
- To produce teaching programmes for every class - for every level - for every plan.
- Design online placement tests and criteria to get the right students in the right classes.
- To design and produce digital assessment tests for students - for each chapter/ topic, trimestre and end of year.
- Scripting, storyboarding, filming and editing all promotional videos.
- Developing a proactive working relationship with our online conferencing provider: GoToMeeting.
- Creating the “magical classroom”: the child’s portal with timed access to their classes; weekly videos, songs and stories; timely assessments (with diplomas) and instruction videos for accessing their classes and using the digital material.
- Designing a system for connecting our classes with the class materials housed on BlinkLearning.
- Designing and creating our own digital books using BlinkLearning PREMIUM.
- To produce, film and edit user guides for The Cambridge Teacher, BlinkLearning and GoToMeeting.
- Creating social media accounts and concepts for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.
Whilst working for LU I have gained skills in: Adobe Photshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Character Animator, Vectornator, iMovie, BlinkLearning PREMIUM, H5P content and basic skills (and a desire to learn more) in CSS, HTML and JavaScript.