Hummus & Falafel Mezze Salad

Hummus & Falafel Mezze Salad

As the temperature soars, I find myself constantly on the lookout for new salad ideas and my trusty Central Market never fails to deliver. There’s a great Levantine stall that sell great chickpea falafel, so hummus & falafel mezze salad it is! As with all my salads, I like to cover all the bases. My salads need to contain a good protein source – whether that be a complete protein in itself or using combined protein, a cruciferous, good fats, and as many protective phytonutrients as I can fit on the serving platter.

Makes a salad for 2

5 Falafels … one to fight over!
A selection of leaves
Black rice tossed with parsley & mint
Cold pickled red cabbage*
Radishes; finely sliced
Cucumber; sliced half moons
Little plum tomatoes; halved
Pumpkin seeds


25ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 scant tsp pimenton
½ tsp turmeric
2 tsp pomegranate mollasses
Lemon juice
Himalayan Salt
Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Cold pickled red cabbage

½ small red cabbage; finely shredded
1 tbsp yellow mustard seeds
240ml cider vinegar
240ml filtered water
3 galic cloves; crushed
2 tsp Himalayan Salt
1 bay leaf
½ tsp freshly ground black pepper


For the dressing, put all the ingredients into a small clean jar – i.e. an old jam jar – and shake vigorously to mix.

To prepare the cold pickled red cabbage, use a mandolin to finely shred the red cabbage, place in a suitably-sized kilner jar – or similar – and shake to combine the pickling mix. For best results, prepare the pickled cabbage half an hour ahead and store in the fridge. It will keep  for 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge.

Serve your Hummus & Falafel Mezze Salad with good crunchy wholemeal bread – or pitta.

James and the flat peach x

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