watermelon gazpacho andaluz

What to do with tomatoes: 2ª parte
In summer, there is nothing that refreshes like this delicious gazpacho andaluz. In this version I have added the tomato’s natural bedfellow: watermelon.

1kg ripe tomatoes
500g watermelon flesh

1 Kirby cucumber – the prickly one.
2 cloves garlic
1 Italian green pepper
1 red pepper
3 tbsp Jerez vinegar
100g day-old bread soaked in chilled water
150ml Good olive oil

1. Put the soaked bread in the fridge.
2. Deseed and roughly chop the peppers.
3. Peel and chop the cucumber, tomatoes, and garlic.
4. Squeeze out the bread; add it to everything else in a food processor and blend until smooth. Season with black pepper and sea salt.
5. Refrigerate well. Do not pass through a sieve – I like my food with all the fibre
6. Stir, serve and garnish with a drizzle of olive oil and … my favourites:
Garlic croutons
Diced cucumber
Diced red onion
Caper berries
Chopped black olives
I don’t mind telling you, it was the best gazpacho I’ve ever had.


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