Crispy Flatbreads

Crispy Flatbreads – It’s crunch time!

The next time you go for a dip make these little crackers. They are so easy to make and with 50% wholemeal, they’ll also help to add to your daily fibre intake.

makes ~200g

for the crispy flatbreads

75g wholemeal flour

75g 0,0 flour – strong bread flour

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon castor sugar

1 teaspoon of sea salt

70-90ml water – it will depend on your flour


for the decor

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon warm water

sea salt

chilli flakes (optional)


seeds – add any combination of the following:


fennel – love these!


coriander, lightly crushed





  1. In a large bowl, mix the two flours, salt, and castor sugar together.
  2. Add the olive oil and mix in with a fork before using your fingers to break rub/ mix it in further.
  3. Mix in the water, 70ml to begin with, then little at a time until the mix comes together.
  4. Knead the dough, in the bowl, for five minutes to create a smooth ball. Wrap in clingfilm and store in the fridge for half an hour.
  5. Heat the oven to 200ºC.
  6. Remove the dough from the clingfilm and press it flat. Give it a light dusting of flour and pass it through a pasta machine on the widest setting. Keeping the dough sheet lightly floured, take it through to the finest setting – eg., widest, medium, finest.
  7. Cut the sheet however you like and place the pieces on a lined baking tray.
  8. Mix the honey and warm water together before gently painting/ dabbing it onto the dough strips.
  9. Sprinkle on your seed selection, salt, and chilli – if you’re looking for some heat.
  10. Bake in the oven – in batches – for about 9 minutes: until nicely browned.
  11. Leave to cool and crisp up. Enjoy.




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