Chickpea Flour American Pancakes

I love Sunday breakfasts: a relaxed affair with a goodly spread. As the father of a toddler, it’s a little less relaxed these days – Tee & Mo & BBC News – but, I still like to make a difference. This Sunday I thought I would introduce Sam to the joys of American pancakes. This time I plumped for the flour/ cornmeal mix, but with no fine cornmeal in the house, I made chickpea flour American pancakes.

Makes about 20

2 tbsp butter; melted and cooled slightly
125g plain flour
125g chickpea flour (Gram Flour)
¼ tsp salt
2 tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 free range egg; lightly whisked with a fork
*300ml buttermilk

* If you can’t find buttermilk, just use regular milk with the addition of 2 tbsp of fresh lemon juice. This will give you a little of the tanginess that buttermilk imparts.

  1. Take a large bowl. Add the dried ingredients: chickpea flour, plain flour, salt, caster sugar, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda; stir with a fork to combine.
  2. In a smaller bowl or jug, add the wet ingredients: the egg, buttermilk, and the melted butter. Give it all a little whisk to combine.
  3. make a well in the centre of the dry mix and slowly mix in the wet mix to avoid lumps. The final consistency should be that of double cream.
  4. Put a dry, large, heavy-bottomed frying pan over a medium heat.
  5. Using a serving spoon, drop the batter into the pan to form teacup sized discs.
  6. When the bubbly tops start to look a little dry, flip them over – we’re looking for fluffy, bubbly, golden brown pancakes.
  7. Cook the pancakes in batches and pile them high on a warmed plate.
  8. Serve with a little extra butter and: Maple syrup, fried egg, fruit & yoghurt, or my favourite: Marmite.


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