bring on the rebollones

Autumn Reigns: So bring on the Rebollones

Fungi are worlds apart from other plant matter. Unlike other earth dwellers, they contain no chlorophyll and therefore have no means of directly harvesting energy from the sun – they have to look elsewhere. They harness their energy from other organisms – either living or decaying (1/2). Rebollones get their food from the pine woodland floor; and “fruit” with a little help from the Autumn showers.

So, even if it is still T-shirt weather, the recent autumn rains – in October – have marked the beginning of the rebollón (Lactarius deliciosus) season here in Valencia. But if rebollón growing conditions aren’t quite right where you live – no pine forests, you can use whatever mushrooms are available in your neck of the woods.

I made this as a light lunch, but it could just as easily be turned into a weekend ‘Breakfast of Champignons’ with the addition of poached eggs – maybe without zoodles and served with toasted sourdough.


Serves 2

olive oil

1-2 courgettes: ~500g

200g rebollones

5 cloves garlic, finely sliced

2 tablespoons of Jerez

a little Parmesan, shaved

a squeeze of lemon juice

a small handful of basil leaves

a handful of walnuts

sea salt & ground black pepper


  1. Slice the courgettes lengthways, then slice again into noodle-like strips – or use a mandoline.
  2. Heat 2 large frying pans before adding a little olive oil – over a moderate heat.
  3. In one pan gently fry half the garlic for 2 minutes. Then add the courgette, season and cook gently until ‘al dente’ – 2-3 minutes should do it: you don’t want them mushy.  Remove from the heat and finish with a spritz of lemon juice. In the other pan, gently cook the garlic for 2 minutes and then add the rebollones. After cooking for 2 minutes add the splash of Jerez and season. A flip and 2-3 minutes more cooking and they’re done.
  4. Plate the zoodles and then spoon over the rebollones – not forgetting the juices. Finish with the walnuts, Basil leaves and Parmesan.
  5. Enjoy x




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