Dear Mr Methven
We contacted Jeremy Davenport  but sadly he has replied that he does not
recall Mr Langdon. You will understand that Mr Davenport  retired a number
of years ago and he would have dealt with a very large number of clients
over the many years he was in practice.
I am sorry we cannot be of further assistance

Kind regards

Martin Westbrook

From: James Methven []
Sent: 07 October 2014 18:01
To: Wells Legal Reception
Subject: Anthony Langdon

With regard to our telephone conversation yesterday, I would like some
information about Anthony Langdon who I believed to be living in Hockley.
I recently embarked on my second search for my biological father: I had
originally found him through the Salvation Army back in 1998. We met on
three occasions in London. He explained how he had re-married some 27 years
earlier to Susan and she was unaware of me and my brother; so, he was unable
to give me any contact information.
Tony continued to call me, but as I was working the only contact I had was
listening to the messages he had left.
In 1999 I left London for Valencia in Spain, where I still live. I did not
have the oppotunity to tell Tony about my move; and life here in Spain took
over, and that brings us to 2014.
I didn’t want Tony to feel that I didn’t want to know him, so, I started by
contacting the Salvation Army again. At the weekend I started to search the
internet and found this:-
This came as a shock: as my Mother had told me she had seen him two years
I do not want to cause any distress to Susan or, for that matter, anybody.
But I would like to know if this is indeed my biological father and, if so,
some information about the cause of death and whether there is somewhere I
can visit and pay my respects.
Please find attached:-
Tony’s birth certificate
Tony’s mariage certificate
My birth certificate

Thank you very much for your help in this very delicate matter.
yours sincerely,

James Anthony Methven
Plaza Santa Cruz 10-5
46003 Valencia
Telephone: 0034 963913561
Mobile: 0034 649404164



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